
Thursday, May 28, 2009

The Living Basket

Heather in basket by Petr Kratochvil
You may know a living basket as a basket filled with live, growing plants that is usually used as a gift or a centerpiece.

Another, literally, living basket is Venus’ Flower Basket - a deep-sea sponge that serves as rare decor, whether in aquariums or dried.  Each of these unique-looking creatures has a symbiotic relationship with two life-long guests - a male and a female shrimp.  The shrimp live in and clean the “basket” and the sponge catches food for them.  When a family comes along, each baby shrimp must go out and find another Venus’ Flower Basket of its own.

We’ve all heard it said that “you take out what you put in.”  Someone once put it more eloquently with, “Amazing, isn’t it, how some people see the basket half empty and others see it half full?  Some see life hopeless, others hopeful.  Even when things are less than perfect, if you can think of the good, the beautiful, the hopeful, you’ll be more than sustained -- you’ll conquer.”

Many of us have heard the story of the boy in the Bible with the five loaves and two fish.  Thousands of people had come to listen to Jesus teach and only this one boy had brought food.  When the crowd became hungry, and Jesus learned that this one boy had food in his basket, he asked for it.  The boy gave Jesus the food, and Jesus fed the whole crowd with one boy’s lunch.  Not only that, but the leftovers filled several baskets!  This isn’t just a story of a miracle.  It is a story of how, by sharing the contents of your basket, you can sustain others as well.

If your life is a basket filled with beautiful things, you can count on it.

“And the priest shall take the basket out of thine hand, and set it down before the alter of the Lord thy God.”  (Deuteronomy 26:4)

"Heather in basket" was taken by Petr Kratochvil.

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