
Saturday, January 23, 2010

Coincidences or signs?

I had a really great idea for this blog entry earlier tonight but I have forgotten what it was.  I think I was probably going to rant about what triggers my anxieties.  It could also have been about how beautifully foggy it was today -- mystical -- but because of circumstances beyond my control, I didn't get any pictures.

And I change the subject.

When I was younger, I got in the habit of making wishes.  I think it works, really.  I mean, is making a wish really any different than saying a prayer or visualizing?  Not really, I don't think.  When I say it became a habit, I mean it literally.  Making wishes just came naturally, without any thought, when blowing out birthday candles, moving the clasp of my necklace back to the back of my neck, seeing the first star appear at night, or when all the numbers on the clock matched.  Who came up with "wish hour" anyway?  I might have to research this someday.

Well, as everyone knows, 11:11 is the most powerful wish hour.  I don't know how, but I just happened to catch both 11:11s yesterday and the one this morning.  Wow!  Someone/thing out there wants me to make wishes!

Another couple of strange things, which may or may not be just big coincidences:

I heard "I Gotta Feeling" (Black Eyed Peas) twice in a row tonight.  That really isn't that big because there are two similar radio stations in Louisville and I switch from one to the other when I'm not a big fan of the song on one station.  But it is just really encouraging to hear, "I gotta feeling that tonight's gonna be a good night," repeatedly.  I don't know why.  I think maybe when that song first came out I must have had a "good good night" after hearing that song and I've liked it ever since.

Next.  Ray LaMontagne sings "Be Here Now," which I have been blogging about because I just discovered it and love it.  Wednesday night I was listening to Ray LaMontagne's song, "Trouble," and I swear it was about a half hour later, while my boyfriend's family was watching American Idol, this guy came on and sang that song.  (Yes, he was a good singer!)

Do you believe in signs?  You know I do, but I really don't get what they mean most of the time!  Now I'm going to have to listen to that song again.

And now I've managed to distract myself again.  Off to the next project before I pass out from exhaustion!

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