Tonight I want to mention a text response to one of my YouTube videos:
"How amazing it is that people who have probably NEVER made a serious effort to read and understand the Bible feel so free and easy in making retarded statements like the one she makes..."the Bible has been interpreted and re-interpreted by people with hidden's TRUE".
Just goes to show you that people who are completely clueless think nothing of spouting nonsense of this type without even a hint of EVIDENCE to back it up! There's a reason for this...there ISN'T ANY !"
What? Is this person saying that the Bible was written in English and that no one ever translated it or wrote it in other languages? Is this person saying that there is no such thing as false prophets? Um, give me a break.
I posted a lengthy text response of my own. My favorite part:
"I have a personal relationship with MY God and a Jesus who taught people to love one another. I just chose to be honest with you about my feelings and questions instead of pretending to be something I'm not. (Good job making it seem like Christians think honest statements are retarded.) At any rate, thanks for the comment and the attention to my video.
Maybe I'll post a video response soon. I never denied I had a lot to learn, did I?"
I also loved how they said that I had probably never made a serious effort to read and understand the Bible. They obviously didn't watch my video all the way through. If they had, they would have heard me say that I've gone to church my whole life. Not only that, but I have made a very serious effort to understand the Bible. I actually think I've made a more serious effort than most Christians in that I read the Bible with an open mind and try to figure truths out for myself instead of blindly following what other Christians tell me to believe.
Some advice I got early on when I first posted a religious video was that you should not get confrontational with commenters. I'm sorry, but I have to defend myself here. This person is another example of the kind of Christian I talked about in my video. I do not know where they are coming from. Like I said, I was just being honest. I don't think that calls for an attack on my character. Particularly from a person who is supposed to set an example for all humanity. *cough cough*
I would like to have an open, honest, understanding discussion with whoever feels like they want to take part in a theoretical or philosophical debate with me on this subject on YouTube. I do appreciate comments and attention. Still, my Christian friends might actually be shocked to learn that I've received very nice, good, positive comments from Athiests; and my one negative comment (so far) came from a Christian. Uuuhhhmmmm?
Well, let's change the subject!
Check out this review I got to the latest chapter of a fanfic I've been writing:
"I have been keeping up steadily at the Diva board...I have read every chapter when it came out. This is BY FAR and away the best chapter of this beautifully crafted story. It was very intricate and masterfully intertwined and woven together in a way that would not be feasible on the show. The possibilities were endless for them to explore, and they didn't. I am so glad you chose to. My heart literally sped up at certain points, which is the best compliment I can offer, because I was drawn in enough by the pictures you created that I had an emotional and physical reaction to your work. Very, very well done. I hope it doesn't end too soon, because this so involved and full of potential."Of all the chapter and story reviews I've ever received, this one might just be my favorite. I am amazed that something I wrote -- I wrote -- made someone feel something that deeply! I have read things that had that effect on me, and they are few and far between, usually written by someone very talented or renowned. I might be a little proud of myself, but I am actually mostly just amazed and humbled that someone would describe my work that way.
It also renews my faith in my ability when I really throw myself into something I'm doing. No pressure for the next chapter....
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