
Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Winter, Writer

There is so much snow!  This is crazy!  It is beautiful, but I feel like I can't fully appreciate it.

Also, I can't find my nail polish.  It is odd.

I am going to try to give up soda/pop/coke/carbonated beverages until Easter.  Maybe it will help with this little weight issue.  Baby steps.  I really want to learn some yoga, but I guess for now I'll stick with my dance DVDs ... that I rarely actually use....

My birthday was wonderful, even though we are snowbound.  I felt special.  Valentine's Day was pretty great, too, by the way, except for the momentary incident of getting the car stuck....

And I'm not keeping this blog like I should.  I made myself a little writing itinerary that I started using yesterday and it has worked out really well!  Except for one thing.  The slow internet makes researching and posting a pain the butt, and it all takes a long long time!  If this keeps up, I will have to post less frequently and change my writing schedule all around.

I feel I have done nothing but write constantly for the last couple of days, though I know I've poked my head out into real life regularly.

That's why these blog posts are so brief.

Plus, one of the true curses of a writer is the lack of movement involved in the activity.  I was told today that I needed to "do something."  It ticked me off a bit.  I mean, I understand that holing myself up writing for days on end (as it feels like I've done for the last couple of days) is not good in the grand scheme of things (though it gives me another reason to be very thankful for the snow!) but writing is far from doing nothing!  It actually takes a great deal of effort if you're trying to do the best job you can.

To the observer, you're just sitting there like a lump lost in some distant train of thought, with only your hands moving.

I'm really not as lazy as I seem.  Throw me back in acting, dance, or movement classes, in rehearsals or on a stage and you'll find out.  *wink*

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