Guess what he said?
flighty |ˈflītē|
fickle and irresponsible
SYNONYMS fickle, inconstant, mercurial, whimsical, capricious, skittish, volatile, impulsive; irresponsible, giddy, reckless, wild, careless, thoughtless. ANTONYMS steady, responsible.
It really sort-of bothered me and made me want to defend myself when he said that the one word that best described me was "flighty." Naturally, I had to completely disagree with him. I mean, not only is it slightly insulting that someone I am so close to would describe me as ... oh ... fickle, reckless, careless, thoughtless and irresponsible, but he has also told me many many times that I am one of the most thoughtful people he knows. The real kicker, though, was that this wasn't the first time I'd been called "flighty." Actually, I had a teacher in junior high and high school -- the one teacher that I never really saw eye-to-eye with -- that described me as "flighty."
Of course, when you hear something more than once you have to stop and consider its accuracy, so I asked my boyfriend why he picked that one word to describe me.
He answered that it is because I tend to focus all my attention and energy on something like an obsession for a time, and then I'll suddenly switch gears and completely devote myself to something else.
I thought about that for a while, and I came to a very direct and unquestionable conclusion:
I am a very passionate person.
It isn't that I lose interest in the subject of my affection -- quite the contrary. It is just that there comes a point when I must move on -- like Mary Poppins moving to the next family that needs her when the wind finally changes.
I certainly wouldn't call them "irresponsible" or "reckless" or "careless." Would you?
If you read the "About" page of this blog, I have to admit I certainly do seem sort-of "inconstant" or "fickle" or "wayward." I think this is because I just love too many things way too much. It isn't that I'm necessarily changing my mind about what I want to do or write about. It's just that I have so many ideas that I have trouble figuring out where to focus my energy. Until now, I've been trying to keep everything in its place and spreading myself out.
When I was a kid and my mother would tell me to clean my room, she would come to check on my progress and be angry because in the process of cleaning I would inevitably make my room look worse. My cleaning method is to make piles, and most of the time I would just make one big pile of the entire mess (usually on my bed) and then sort things out one at a time into the places where they were supposed to be. I guess, in a way, that's what I'm doing with this blog. Rather than having several blogs about specific subjects, I'll have one blog -- like a big pile -- where I keep all my thoughts and sort them into smaller, more organized categories.
So ... no. I would not say I'm "flighty." I'm just very passionate about many many things!
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