
Wednesday, August 25, 2010

"The sin'dorei will prevail."

The picture you are looking at is of a female blood elf (or quel'dorei) and a mana wrym.  Blood elves were once called "high elves," and were descendants of the Highborne, a faction of night elves that used arcane magic.  Because the night elves (or kaldorei) did not approve of the use of arcane magic (and this is putting it as simply as possible), the Highborne were exiled.  Over time, these exiled "high elves" changed to become what are now known as blood elves.

The high elves eventually settled in an area known as Quel'thalas, where they consistently battled with forest trolls for supremacy and forged alliances with other races.  In their conflicts (again, making this story as simple as possible), the high elves became addicted to the magic power they wielded.  After their city was attacked and their lives destroyed, they were renamed the "blood elves," or "sin'dorei" (literally "children of the blood") and had to find new sources to satiate their addiction and renew their power.

The picture above is not just a picture of a beautiful elf with a magical creature.  It is a picture of power and history, darkness and light, and of survival and adapting.

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